Japan Fund Management (Luxembourg) S.A.

Judiciousness. Attention to detail. Passion. Adaptability. No shortcuts.

MMFR‑related Disclosures

The below sections contain periodically updated public disclosures in accordance to the transparency requirements foreseen by the Regulation (EU) 2017/1131 (the Money Market Funds Regulation or MMFR).

Gaikadate ​Money Market Fund – US Dollar Portfolio

Gaikadate ​Money Market Fund – US Dollar Portfolio qualifies as a Short‑term Public Debt Constant NAV Money Market Fund according to the MMFR. Japan Fund Management (Luxembourg) S.A. acts as its Alternative Investment Fund Manager, while Asset Management One International Ltd. acts as its Investment Manager.

Daily Report

Difference between constant NAV per unit and variable NAV per unit, computed in accordance with Art. 30 MMFR.


Weekly Report

Maturity breakdown of the portfolio, credit profile, WAM, WAL, details of the 10 largest holdings, TNA and net yield.


White List

List of issuers and money market programmes benefiting from a favourable internal credit quality assessment.

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