Luxembourg based Undertakings for Collective Investment in Transferable Securities (UCITS) are investment funds governed by Part I of the Law of 17 December 2010, as amended, and comply with the UCITS Directive. They are subject to the authorisation and ongoing supervision of the CSSF, and can be distributed publicly to retail investors across the EU.
UCITS funds invest in transferable securities and other liquid financial assets, and are strictly regulated in order to offer a high level of investor protection. We can help you to meet all regulatory requirements with efficient, flexible and cost‑effective solutions for implementing, monitoring and reporting:
We can effectively manage umbrella funds with several sub‑funds and share classes, as well as master‑feeder structures and index tracking UCITS. We can assist you to draft prospectus and management regulations and to prepare annual and semi‑annual reports, as well as to compile, update and disseminate PRIIP KIDs in all the required languages.